Friday 7 March 2014

February Recap

Where we live: apartment in Tainan

Favourite thing to eat:
Dave:  cho fan (fried rice preferably with lamb)
Steph: I don’t know if it’s my favourite, but I did eat four different types of rice in one day- that’s every meal plus a snack!! I do love fried rice though!!

Greatest accomplishment/ Coolest thing this month:
Dave: I’m getting better at understanding the Chinese my coworkers say to me in the kitchen!
Steph: I had a breakthrough about WHY I was teaching, and what kind of people I’m essentially training my students to be. It was pretty eye-opening to think about the qualities in myself I’m passing on, and which I’d rather not. I do feel like moving here was exactly what we needed (God DOES know our every need, even when we don’t!!) even though there are a great many things we’re missing out on back home (we’ve definitely reached the stage of life where a great many of our friends are in the graduation-marriage-baby stage!!), but the growth and amazing experiences we’re having over here are just as valuable. I feel like I could probably write a whole blog post about this so I’ll cut myself off here!

Basically never stop learning- being stagnant is terrible!!

Favourite place you’ve visited:
Dave: Xindin county (outside Taipei city). We hiked a VERY large mountain (or two) and the view was unbelievable!
Steph: The lantern festival in Pingxi was pretty cool (even though it RAINED and RAINED and RAINED on us!!), but we also saw the most amazing view of Taipei from Matt’s mountain the next day, and found a beach close-ish to home  when we arrived back in Tainan.

Thing you’re looking forward to most:
A visit from our besties!!

Favourite thing to watch: Streamed tv shows from back home (like Grey’s and Masterchef)

Easiest thing to get used to:
Dave:  I’ve really learned to love milk tea- in any colour! It’s refreshing in the hot kitchen, and is slightly better than coffee. (Steph’s obsession has only increased since we moved here….)
Steph:  I realized this month I’m not only used to, but actually prefer room-temperature water! I’m not so sure I’ll ever have a taste for warm water though!

Something you’ve learned:
Dave: How stinky tofu is made (hint: it’s a chemical reaction!).

Also, a little TMI, stinky tofu was originally made with horse urine!
Steph: Finding something you love and are passionate about, whether it’s a hobby, your job, or an organization and progressing in it is amazing. Everytime I learn a new technique with my watercolours I get such a sense of pride- and I can learn everything at my own pace, and if I DON’T want to do something, that’s okay too!!

A lovely Sunday afternoon stroll behind the Confucius temple.

The salt fields were pretty darn sweet!

Travel essentials; a book, sunglasses, a drink, an ipod and funny camera settings.

Our valentine's photo.

Pingxi lantern festival.

Writing lantern wishes.

Xindian scenic area.

Umm, guys? I think we found our summer home.


This guy followed us part way up the mountain!

The view from the top.

Nothing quite like the mountains of Taipei.

Oh rice fields. The best part of the HSR ride.

Homemade water globe to teach about snow. The kids (and my coworkers) looooooved it. I shake it once in awhile when I need a minute to calm down.

After break I came back to this on my whiteboard. They KNOW they're not allowed to touch it, but I let the rules slide this one time.

Chinese lessons and starfruit. A great way to spend a Saturday afternoon!

Taro, mango and pineapple ice cream with shaved peanut brittle. Oh my goodness delish.

Coffin bread- a Tainan delicacy. It was good, but Dave and I have some great ideas to Westernize the idea when we get back home!

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