Tuesday 11 March 2014

Taipei part II (after the lantern festival, Xindian Scenic Area and a hike up the mountain!)

Dave and I traveled to Taipei specifically to see the lantern festival and to visit our friend Matt. But that still left us all of Saturday to tour parts of Taipei!

Xindian District Scenic Area in New Taipei City

I think we found our summer home!!

Seriously, everything is cutesy.

Bitan Suspension Bridge

See that curry house sign? The guy studied Chinese cuisine in Sri Lanka, then moved to Taiwan and opened a curry stand some 26 years ago- the food was amazing!!

After our lovely stroll, we headed  back to Matt's and then up the mountain behind his apartment.

View from the top!

The other landing! The Taiwanese flag is just peeking out behind my head...

Taipei 101

 Really, quite the view!!

This pup followed up part way up the mountain.

Oh rice fields, how I love thee. One of the best parts of High Speed Rail!

Then we raced to catch the sunset, and found a beach.

This is an up-side-down oyster trap.

 We just barely caught the sunset, but it was sooo worth it!!
(Note: those are oyster traps in the water!)

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