Thursday 3 April 2014

March recap

Steph here. March was a bit of a different month. Likely because I work with kids, I feel like I constantly have a cold. As I write this I'm in-between sicknesses, but it's a definite work hazard. 

And because sicknesses go around so easy, there's this rule that in the younger classes, if more than a certain number (I think it might be 3) of kids are sick, the whole class shuts down for an undetermined amount of time. For me, this meant that during the month of March, I had approximately two or three weeks total of missed classes. That's a lot! Thankfully I was able to sub a little bit to make up for lost hours, but it's definately been a test of trust!

We also had two of our best friends fly over from Canada from visit. You'll see them a few times in the post. 

One more thing. Next month will be our six-month anniversary of moving to Taiwan! Wowee!!

How long we’ve been here: 150 days. Tomorrow (April 5) we officially hit the 5 month mark!!

Favourite thing to eat:
Dave:   Taiwanese Fried Chicken (SO popular) and sweet and sour chicken
Steph: I finally tried roasted corn from the night market- it was delish!

Greatest accomplishment/ Coolest thing this month:
Dave: swimming in the Pacific Ocean with Tyler
Steph: the same- it was my FIRST time swimming in any ocean!! Funny story- for some reason I apparently forgot we were going to be swimming in the ocean. So when I hit the water my first instinct was how salty my lips were. Then how my eyes were burning. And then I remembered I was in salt water. Just like that. It’s a little embarrassing, but I totally felt like a kid. I just wanted to lay there and float.

Favourite place you’ve visited:
Dave: Amanda’s (our friends and Chinese teacher) hometown, outside of Yong Kang province
Steph: We’ve been to the beach plenty of times since we moved here. But visiting with Candy and Ty was honestly the best beach trip I’ve had- plus we actually went IN the water above our ankles this time!!

Thing you’re looking forward to most:
Dave: helping create the new menu for Bus-7 (the café our church owns/ runs)
Steph: Mango season!!

Favourite thing to watch: Movies! Frequently one’s I (Steph) have seen a few times already….

Easiest thing to get used to:
Dave:  giving the cabby directions
Steph:  I’ll be honest. March was a difficult month for me. Some of my kids were sick, so some classes were just shut down for a week or longer (with the younger kids, when more than a certain number are sick with a similar illness they just close down the class for a sometimes unknown length of time to help prevent the spread of whatever it is). When you’re counting on those hours on your paycheck, it can take a little bit of a toll and some serious trust that your Creator’s looking out for you. 

It definitely hasn't been the easiest thing, but the thing I've been learning to do the most!

Something you’ve learned:
Dave: Food is its own language. No matter where in the world you are, if you can see and smell and taste, you can discover just how simple it is too see the roots of a culture and build relationships. Try everything at least once!!
Steph: Just how difficult Chinese really is, yet how much I actually enjoy learning it. Part of that may be because it’s totally all on me. I can learn at my own pace, have immediate rewards (being able to order food is always helpful!) and have a steady stream of ‘teachers’ (the Taiwanese are so friendly, and both my coworkers and students are always willing to help me out when I can’t find the word I’m looking for if I want to learn a new one!

And because pictures sometimes speak louder than words... our favs!!

It's been waaay too long since we had a Monday night dinner!! (we used to have them every single week!)

Mmmm... night market food.

Our favourite little hiking partner.

Some of Dave's new co-workers.

Together again in Taipei!!

Candy and I have matching chopsticks- hers and red and mine are blue, but they both have poka-dots and pandas!!

Chilling at the park.

Oyster trap.

Freckles!! They're increasing like crazy!! I love them!!

Our fav restaurant, HaoWeiDao. Translated, it means 'good flavour,' but people also call it the 'Yellow Dumpling Place' because it's sign is yellow!

A wonderful day with wonderful people- post hike!

Top of the mountain!

Yes, I know this one is up-side-down. Trying to be secretive Tyler reached the camera above his head while walking. Too bad for him I noticed!

Big hair, don't care. It usually looks like this.

Observation deck on Taipei 101.

Pork tenderloin and mashed potatoes... Dave cooked the tenderloin in our TOASTER OVEN!!

Day out with Amanda.

Care package love from Down Under! Thanks Rob and Claire!!

YongKang Park.

Panorama from the top of 101

Gorgeous flowers at sunset.

Candy enjoying our last few moments on the beach.

Yeah, she may be having a baby but we're still just kids at heart!

Giraffe butt!! Probably one of my most favourite pictures of Candy from the entire trip.

Giraffe butt selfie.

One of my fav photobombs. We knew he was there and encouraged him to stay!

The boys' 'epic' picture. We actually just found them here like this. Truth! 

Glass-bottomed gondola!

We're sooo cool at the top of the Ferris Wheel. Hey, I need something to detract from my fear of heights!

My gorgeous pregnant friend. Don't worry little one, you may be a couple months old next time we see you, but we're counting down the days!

My FAVOURITE little photobomber. OF ALL TIME!!


Another favourite photobomber. Market shopping.

THIS LADY. Not only did she let us try the tomatoes before we bought them, she then replaced the ones we ate and gave us a couple more. AND they were some of the sweetest tomatoes I've ever eaten. And I LOVE tomatoes.

The walkway is a little trippy if you're unprepared for it. But also really cool!

Showing us how to do the 'cutesy' pose.

I think we'll just stick with looking lovely.

Dave tried duck tongue at the night market.

Top of the pagoda.

Walking through the subway station.

I think I have an obsession with taking photos in reflections. But it's just such an easy (and more interesting!) way to take a selfie!!

Sweet momma-to-be...

...and the proud father.

While waiting for everyone else to join me (Steph) in the shade, this cutie and her brother walked by carrying these HUGE leaves.

I told you. Reflections. I have one a little like this of the Brooklyn Bridge.

What do you do when your besties fly all the way to Taiwan to visit? Have a mini maternity session of course!

Then Ty found the duck. 

On their last nigh we visited the night market. The girls went straight for the ice cream.

And then roasted corn on a stick. Mmmm...

Baby panda and mommy!! 

I (Steph) really, really can't imagine doing this without him by my side. He's just my person!!

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