Sunday 14 December 2014

November Recap

How long we’ve been here: About 13 months.

Favourite thing to eat:
Dave:   Kangaroo in Oz!!
Steph: Sandwiches from the Playfair Café in Sydney, Australia.

Coolest thing this month:
Being close enough to almost touch a koala, the Sydney Opera House, eating kangaroo, just BEING in Australia and visiting Claire and Rob and breathing fresh air.

Favourite place you’ve visited/ Favourite thing you’ve done:
Dave: Great Ocean Road.
Steph: I looooved hanging out on the steps of the Sydney Opera House.

Thing you’re looking forward to most:
Dave: Celebrating Christmas again in this really cool country.
Steph: I have a countdown on my phone that tells me how many days until my last day of work. But I'm also excited because CHRISTMAS!!

Favourite thing to listen to:

Most difficult thing to get used to:
Dave:  Australia money!! It felt like plastic and the 50 and 20 cent pieces are bigger than the one and two dollar pieces!!
Steph:  I am, in fact, a terrible flyer. I thought it was just because our flight from Canada was so long. Turns out I just really don’t enjoy flying without something to watch!

Biggest Surprise:
Dave: How expensive Oz was. Especially coming from Taiwan!!
Steph: How cold I was in Australia!

This was our view at church, one day for Living Water's anniversary. Pretty cool, we thought!

It's getting cooler!! It's getting cooler!! 
*does happy dance that doesn't immediately break out in sweating*

On my very first train trip from Tainan to Kaohsuing, my second day in Tainan I took a picture out the window that a year later is still one of my favs, prob because everything was so new. I decided since this was likely going to be one of my last train trips, I'd better take another, similar one.

Waiting in the airport to leave for Sydney. We were early. We read, a lot.

Watching the sunset from the plane. 

Oh, Taiwan and your translations.


We (especially Steph) couldn't get enough of the opera house. We saw it every day we were in Sydney as our hostel was a short walk away, and we took ferries to get everywhere- easier and cheaper, plus it was soo much cooler!!

Visiting the aquarium!

Claire's parents have the most lovely garden. I made sure to eat breakfast in it when I could!!

Then we met up with this cool Canadian Aussie!

And he and Dave found some swings in the art gallery.

WE did not take this photo. But, while we were in Oz our newest nephew was born!! At 3 lbs, baby Carter was so tiny, but he's growing and he and his wonderful momma, daddy and brothers are doing amazing and can't wait for him to come home!!

Taking selfies via reflections is mandatory. The fact that we could do it in a Christmas ornament just made it better!

Honestly guys, we were like 6 feet away.

Cruising down Great Ocean Road with Claire and Rob.

Photo creds to the talented Mr. Rob Pringle!! I'd wanted a photo of Dave and I on the beach since I took one of Dave and Frank chilling in Kenting. Rob was happy to oblige!!

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