Sunday 4 May 2014

April Recap

How long we’ve been here: SIX MONTHS!!!

Favourite thing to eat:
Dave:   Fresh mackerel
Steph: Chickpeas! Totally not a Taiwanese thing, I’ve just been eating them for breakfast to give me enough energy to get through my mornings!

Greatest accomplishment/ Coolest thing this month:
Dave: I can chop a 50lbs bag of onions in 15 min with a Chinese cleaver
Steph: Strange as it may sound, I FINALLY was able to say my address to a cab driver, in Chinese, without resorting to English or just handing over my written copy. And he UNDERSTOOD me!!

Favourite place you’ve visited/ Favourite thing you’ve done:
Dave: Going out for beef noodle with some friends from church was pretty fantastic! Taiwan’s signature dish is beef noodle soup, and Tainan has the best of the best!!
Steph: I went on a two field trips with my kids this month-one to a stationary store and one to the University’s sports field. Both were pretty cool (although slightly hectic!!)

Thing you’re looking forward to most:
Steph: A note about Dave’s note. The thing I’m looking forward to least is Dave’s birthday. He makes a huge deal about it but forgets about mine. (That was mean. Sorry Dave!)
But actually, being able to spend some time with my friends again! I’ve been working so much this past month!

Favourite thing to listen to: Avicii, Salvador, and if you’re Steph, any kids music from YOUR childhood that HESS hasn’t tried to change!!

Easiest thing to get used to:
Dave:  the heat in the kitchen (I think!)
Steph:  I think I’ve mentioned the room-temperature water before, but I really do drink so much of it it’s strange when my water is cold!

Something you’ve learned:
Dave: The complex flavours in Taiwanese sauces, and how to utilize Chinese medicine in cooking.
Steph: Patience, patience, patience.

We both worked A LOT this month, so I'm actually surprised I could come up with this many photos!! Apparently we take more than we realize! And without further ado.... a thousand words with only a few letters.

Day trip to the zoo in Kaohsuing. SUCH a great day!! (And our last hurrah before things got busy!)

My new elephant buddy.

Hanging with the peacocks!!

We thought it was hilarious to watch the squirrels try to nick food.

Ah, Taiwan mountains and windblown hair! OH! And my cat dress I bought here!! (It's totally too short to wear as a dress. I wear jeans with it instead.)

Kay, this is what happened after I got off the phone with you.

Either this is how I actually look, or Dave just has some mad skills at snapping photos of me looking like this!

Beautiful sunflowers.

Rainy days and gifted boots!

Dave was less than happy that I forgot my helmet and made him wear the junky one because it was going to crush my hair.

Dave practicing his cleaver skills.

I have no idea.

One of my FAV things to do to relax- One day I WILL finish this afghan!!

Candy, this is how much seaweed there was on the beach!! We literally had to wade through it to get to the 'cleaner' part of the ocean.

Salt water, watermelon, sand and my love.

Where's the beach? 


We found the Taiwanese equivalent of drumsticks!!

Dave hard at work. Shelling abalones!

Dave: Let's take a photo in the elevator!
Steph: Why? (smile) Whatever.

Dave's delish cinnamon buns!!

Every other week I have to write a note home to parents for each student in my kindy classes (which, because I have two classes means I'm actually writing them every week). I got this one back and it made me smile- Ryan would have learned 'tomato' during snack time, not during class time. Proof I teach them even when I'm off the clock!!

I absolutely cannot get enough of this. It should say 'I am playing soccer.' Oops.

Yummy starfruit snack. I will miss all this fruit when I go home!!

My Saturday. Every. Single. One. of those is a test I gave my kids. And then I had to mark every. single. one.

Skype dates are made extra-special when superheros come to visit!!

Dave thought I looked good for class this day.

This is what I actually look like.

And this is even more realistic. Marking until my pen runs out or hands fall asleep or I have to go to class.

Easter lunch with friends from church!

Oh, and I almost forgot! I won the HESS photo contest for the month of March (published in the April newsletter) with this photo from the Pingxi Lantern Festival!!


  1. Where are the peacocks in the picture of the two of you together? I can't see them?
    Love you, Mamma O. XXXOOO

  2. You two are the greatest! we love the pics and appreciate that you are bringing to life the country of Taiwan right before our eyes. we are learning sooo much about life there from you both. Thanks for the pics. Thanks for the posts. we miss you both and love you too.

    Love from both of us and committing you into our Lord's care.

    Gordon & Brenda

  3. The peacocks were just hanging out everywhere. You can see one in the recap photo at the top!

    We're so glad people back home are reading- we hope it gives everyone a little glimpse into our lives even when we're so far away! We are CONSTANTLY learning about not just Taiwan, but ourselves, each other and our creator. We're just happy we have people to share it with!

    Love you all!!

