Wednesday 28 May 2014

On Birthdays- Dave's turning 27!!

Today my husband turns 27. It's a running joke that every year he has to ask me how old he is. For someone who talks about their birthday ALL month, you'd think he'd remember!

When we were newer-married (our fifth anniversary is coming up in just over a week!!) we used to write letters to eachother. Often they'd just turn into lists (because it was easier to write in point form maybe?), so I thought for his 27th I'd write him one like I used to. But Dave also likes to hear me sing his praises so I'll let you all read it as well! So here's 27 'I love you's!!'

1. My husband is one-of-a-kind. Not only does he deal with all my junk, he does it without (much) complaint, and still manages to deal with all his own as well.

2. He cooks just about every time I ask. That means making dinner and promptly making my lunch for the next day.

3. He works two jobs.

4. We never see each other (or so it would seem) so he makes sure that when we specifically set time apart for each other we're actually doing something we both enjoy (which could be as simple as watching a movie or difficult as trying to catch the sunset on the scooter).

5. He makes me the kind of wife women are jealous of- people can tell just how much he loves me.

6. I trust him.

7. He sings to me. All. the. time. Even though I often don't enjoy it, it does often make me smile regardless.

8. He watches my movies.

9. He listens to my music.

10. He buys me ice cream.

11. He doesn't complain near as much as he has a right to about finding my hair EVERYWHERE. (My hair not only grows faster in this country, it also sheds faster!)

12. He drives me to school every. single. day. And often picks me up!

13. He holds my hand when we cross the street.

14. He always walks between me and traffic.

15. He just deals with the fact that I'm a blanket hog.

16. He understands that crafting is like a form of therapy for me, and even shares some of his spending money with me so I can buy yarn!

17. He reads the Bible to me.

18. He prays with me.

19. He gives me countdowns so I know how much time I have left before we're going to be late.

20. He challenges me- to seek the Lord, to seek adventures, to seek out the things I love.

21. He supports me when I have crazy ideas (like moving to Taiwan for a year!)

22. He lets me have most of the say when it comes to decorating (although, in this apartment that really isn't saying much!)

23. He takes care of our vehicles so I don't have to worry about it.

24. He cultivates his own interests (yes, he loves cooking, but did you know he has more fishing tackle that I know what to do with and can use it all?!)

25. He loves being outside. His heart belongs in nature just as much as mine does.

26. He longs for children as much as I do.

27. He loves me so, so much more than I deserve and shows me time and time again what the love of Christ looks like.

And (because no post would be complete without them) some photos of the birthday boy himself!!

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