Thursday 10 July 2014

June Recap

How long we’ve been here: 8 months as of the 5th- that’s 242 days!! We’re only four months away from our one-year anniversary in Taiwan!

Favourite thing to eat:
Dave:   Its Mango Season! Okay yes I have said this many times, but for my birthday I got 3 mangos and they were all different and amazing! Currently the Black Cod has been my new favourite fish. I made a chicken stock based seafood sauce with capers and gherkin pickels that I learned from Chef Lawday- the flavours worked perfectly and the taste is very much like I am eating fresh caught pickerel, a fish that I miss from northern Ontario waters.
Steph: Fruit salad. I know last month I said fruit, but seriously, when the mangos are half as long as your arm and so sweet eating too much could give you a toothache- how could I resist?!

Greatest accomplishment/ Coolest thing this month:
Dave: I helped prepare and clean a 40Kg Electric Eel at work, this was a really cool thing to see and touch and taste. 1 Kg is work 400 Nt or around 15 Cdn so for Taiwanese people it’s actually a lot of money to spend on one dish. We roasted it, made soup and grilled it very similar to the sweet glazed Anagi like the Japanese use in Sushi
Steph: I stitched my afghan together!! Now I'm going in circles (err... squares) doing edging!

Favourite place you’ve visited/ Favourite thing you’ve done:
Dave:  The Dragon Boat Festival was a cool experience. In Sault Ste Marie they have a dragon boat festival every year and use the money to benefit local charities. But the races here are all about national pride and tradition and sticking to the way the boat races used to be with the right que and chant and the synchronization and the determination to win is really cool to watch. And even the respect given to the stating official at the end of each race is very special too, with a salute and a ‘xie xie grand marshall!’
Steph: The Dragon Boat Festival was pretty cool, but I also loved our trip to the beach!

Thing you’re looking forward to most:
Dave: I am helping plan a 10 day trip to Australia in December, Steph and I really need a vacation and its funny because we are kinda in another country and some would say that’s a vacation but we work full time all the time!
I just finished working all 30 days in June and the first 6 days of July without a day off. Today is my day off my first full Sunday off since April and right now I am typing this with Steph making blue berry pancakes and watching Father of the Bride with Steve Martin and Martin Short two awesome actors I have grown up watching and love how they act on screen.
Steph: I feel like we’re on the downward slide of our trip to Taiwan- as in we’ve passed the halfway mark and are inching closer and closer to going home! It’s also graduation season so I’m slowly checking off performances (literally one for every class I teach- two Kindy and three HLS (upper levels))- we had one on Saturday, and Kindy is the 20th of this month. I will be glad when they’re over, but I’m also kind of looking forward to them in a way as well. Plus, like Dave said, we’re hoping to head to the Land Down Under as a fifth anniversary trip and to visit our friends Rob and Claire!

Favourite thing to watch: Waaaay too many episode of Friends! The seasons fly when you watch the episodes 4 at a time!

Easiest thing to get used to:
Dave:  Heat rash. Kitchens are hot and sweaty places. My body has adjusted to the climate and I never knew I could handle plus 41 heat in the kitchen. But AC and fans are also lifesavers!
Steph: I’d be lying if I said the heat. But I have managed to steal a fan or two from various parts of the school and plug them in so they blow directly on the NSTs! Plus, some of the Taiwanese seem sooo much hotter than I am so I don’t feel as bad. This is how I described it to Jenny “You know when you have something that’s really painful so you just hold your breath, turn your head and try to think of something, anything else? Or when it gets so cold outside that you just don’t even care what you look like because you’re finally warm? That’s what summer’s like here. I move as slowly as possible, have found my appetite decreased and the heat almost like being in an uncomfortable situation. You kinda force a laugh (like Chandler’s work laugh) and grit your teeth and just deal with it until it’s over.”

Something you’ve learned:
Dave:  How to utlize rice wine vinegar to make sweet apple BBQ sauce. The rice wine and apple works like apple cider when cooked till soft. How to wash and prepare rice. Did you know its needs to be washed and soaked a minimum of 5 times before being cooked?
Steph: I’m re-reading ‘One Thousand Gifts’ by Ann Voskamp. In it she’s challenged to write a list of 1,000 things she’s thankful for. While I haven’t set a limit for myself, I have been trying to keep track of blessings I’ve seen in my life.
A couple from this month: “a surprise conversation with a friend from far away.”

“knowing God never leaves us”

“early morning toddler cuddles before class”

And now for the photos!!

A dinner date with Amanda! I don't know how to describe this meal other than hot pot without the pot!

Taking a break in the shade and waiting for the Dragon Boat festival.

Dragon Boat preliminaries.

Oh those toesies!!

Waiting for the races to start.

Dave doesn't even care that the boat is in focus and not him!

We often drive to the beach not to swim but just to wade and walk in the sand. We looooove it!!

Dave got to make pretzels with some of the kids from church. It was so much fun! And I got to speak Chinglish!

On our FIFTH anniversary!!

Fairly typical pose.

Close to the beach there's a field. I stop every time.

Taiwanese sun-kissed.

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