Saturday 4 October 2014

On anecdotes from Kindy

A quick anecdote.

When I was in kindergarten, I made my teacher a picture. I say made because I drew it on a paper plate, and it felt more like a creation than a picture. On the back, I wrote my name again and again, one under the other until the plate was covered.

When I gave it to my teacher, I explained there were so many names in case one of her cats scratched it and ripped off one of the names. I also remember telling her if they ripped off one it was okay, but if they ripped off all of them she'd just have to ask me for another one.

She brought me to the front and showed the class my artwork. She was so proud that I had written my name so many times. I just wanted her to know who it was from.

I like to leave the back of my worksheets blank so my kids can draw pictures. Mostly because I'm never quite sure what they're going to come up with, and it gives some of the slower kids a chance to catch up.

L is one of the kids who rarely sits still, is pretty much constantly moving and jumping, and has often has difficulties listening. But when I checked on her, I was shocked to find this all over the back of her paper.

She was SO proud to show me, and I made a huge deal out of how proud I was that she had written her numbers so many times (and so well!!). To be honest, I'm not quite sure if those are actually 14s and 12s or 1s and 2s and 4s, but at least they are EXTREMELY well formed! Go L go!!!

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