Tuesday 30 September 2014

On Date Days

A couple weeks ago Dave and I had a full afternoon of health checks (we need them every year for our ARCs) and scooter checks, so before we went home we stopped off at the park for a quick ice cream and walk. It's either been too hot or someone's been too busy or too tired lately, so we haven't had a proper date in sooo long!!

You'll probably recognize Tainan Park- it's one of the first things we did in Tainan, and have taken a few friends here as well!

The lovely pagoda with lilies... or are the lotuses...I forget.

We got ice cream because we were both brave when we got our blood taken.

On our way back from the hospital we had to hunt for our scooter. Kinda like forgetting where you parked in the mall parking lot...

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