Tuesday 6 January 2015

Australia part II- Darling Harbour

Surprisingly enough our list of must-sees in Oz was pretty short. Darling Harbour was on our list, so we made sure to visit both the Wild Life Sydney Zoo and Sea Life Sydney Aquarium

Mmmm... chai latte a la playfair.

Ferries, while so much cooler than taxis, were actually cheaper to get around the harbour with as well!!

Luna Park.

A nice man on the boat offered to take our photo!

If we were here longer, I totally would have done a showboat!!

Fish and chips in Darling Harbour. We didn't share.

Gross, but true!

This guy lived with the giant croc a little below. He's too small to be a meal for him, though, so the croc just leaves him alone. He kept lifting his one arm and shaking it at us through the glass while we watched him. Weirdest thing I've ever seen a lizard do!

We found the kookaburras!!

These guys had the most beautiful, long eyelashes!

They're koala ears, yo.

I was TRYING to take a picture of the cute little penguin bums. This guy decided he HAD to be in the photo!



Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner: lettuce

There be sharks down there.

Kangaroo and Emu pizza.

Sydney Tower. Honestly, it's got nothing on Taipei 101! (But maybe we're biased?!)

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