Sunday 4 January 2015

On 10/10 weekend in Kenting

October 10 (or 10/10 weekend) is a holiday in Taiwan, kind of like Canada Day back home. Most people get the day off, so a group of us decided to travel to the most southern part of the island to spend some time at the beach. 
Honestly guys, it was absolutely fantastic. But don't take my word for it, I'll let the pictures do the talking!!

The boys and Meagan took their bikes... the rest of us rode down in cars!!

These waves were borderline unbelievable. They were SO high!!

Taiwanese- South African- Canadian BBQ!!

Checking out the Kenting Aquarium!

I'm pretty sure it's supposed to look like the Tuna is caught in the net...

Ari and I practicing our snorkelling techniques in the pool before we hit the beach!

Yes, most of our time was spent on the beach. That's what we were there for!!

Snorkeling time!! We found a nice little cove where the waves weren't as strong- perfect for us to just chill and float around!!

I looove coral!

Before we left we took a quick trip to see a couple lookouts. They were all sorts of WOW!!

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