Wednesday 18 February 2015

The 2015 Reading Challenge

I'm really not one for resolutions. I just don't really see much point in promising to start something later that I could start right now, because I'm more likely to continue doing it then! And a challenge is something completely different. With our return to Canada happening this year (which means LIBRARIES!!) I figured this was as good of a challenge as any for me to tackle. 

The rules:
1. There aren't any.

I read A LOT of books. I mean, you're hard-pressed to catch me without a book in my near vicinity. But I also have a tendency to read a lot of the same things, so I'm hoping this puts some new reads in my path! If you have one you'd like to recommend, by all means let me know! I do love my kindle (and no, I by no means think they will be the end of libraries and hard-copies), but I miss the feel and the smell and just everything about paper and ink books. I brought exactly two with me to Taiwan. Both have been read, and one has already been given away because I know she'll like it. I've been able to acquire a few more from various friends, either as a loan or for keeps, but there's nothing like spending a good hour browsing bookshelves to find your next adventure.

So, without further ado, the 2015 Reading Challenge via Popsugar!

1. The Help- Kathryn Stockett

11. Jackaroo- Cynthia Voight

13. Little Cricket- Jackie Brown

16. The Five People You Meet in Heaven- Mitch Albom
17. The Glass Castle: A Memoir- Jeannette Walls

19. The Hiding Place- Corrie ten Boom

21. The Time Keeper- Mitch Albom

33. Ramona Quimby, Age 8- Beverly Cleary

36. The Fault in Our Stars- John Green

38. Where the Heart is- Billie Letts

44. The Stranger- Albert Camus

PS. Want to see how I'm doing/ check out reviews? I'll be (attempting) a bookshelf on goodreads! Message me for the link.

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