Monday 9 February 2015

On Birthdays.

This January I turned 27. This marks the third birthday I've spent at work (or at least not in school... this year it fell on a Sunday). Doesn't seem like a big deal, does it? But it FEELS big. It feels like I'm finally out of that stage of my life (not that I regret it, I'm just happy in the stage I am in now), and actually moving forward. 

I spent my 26th birthday surrounded by coworkers at our Chinese New Year banquet. The night before (so when the clock actually rolled over) I was still surrounded by coworkers and their friends (and Dave!), but bowling. They even bought me a cake! At that time Dave and I had only been in TW a few months, and were still getting the hang of everything (who am I kidding, it STILL feels like we're getting the hang of things!). 

Now, a year later things are definitely different.

We're no longer counting how long we've been here but how long until we go home. 
We've both matured.
We've learned a lot.
Our tastes have changed. I'm sure we'll find out all about that some more when we go home!
Our views and opinions have been changed. They had to.
We've learned to appreciate material things more. When you have a never-ended repair pile because it's easier to fix that shirt again than find a new one, you learn to treat it and it's friends nicely.
We put more priority on keeping in touch (even though sometimes we really do suck at it, like how I always, always send Birthday and Christmas cards late...).

I'm learning to find joy in everyday things.
I'm learning about kids, and people in general. Relationships are one of the bases of Taiwan culture, so the more you know someone, often the better off you are.
I'm learning what I really do like, and what I really, really don't.
I'm learning that comfy dress pants can totally win over an uncomfortable dress. And you'll probably look better in the pants anyways, because you won't be fidgeting!
I'm learning that I actually do love clothes. And I even miss shopping for them!
I'm learning to use my words. Just like I tell my students every day. We both have them, we just need to use them.
I learned (and am still learning) to do hard things. To jump off waterfalls and climb tall mountains.

It's been quite the year, to say the least.

As much as I am excited to see what the next (and one after and one after that...) year holds, I know there will never be a year in my life quite like this one. And that I'm extremely grateful for everything God's poured into it. Here's to 27!

Yes, we went bowling last year. No, bowling is not my favourite. But, you can play regardless of what language you speak!!

And I even got a striiiike!

These two cuties and I entertained eachother by taking photos when on my and their mom's cells...

PS. Both those pants and that shirt are from Australia!! The scarf is from Taiwan!

Quickly before we went home we stopped to grab a roasted sweet potato- my favourite!

The day of Dave, Ari and I drove to Anping to fly kites- successfully crossing it off our bucket list and giving Ari her first kite-flying experience!

Bubbles everywhere!!

They are tobogganing down dirt. Let that sink in. 

Post kite-flying more of the girls came over and we had snacks and games! Yay!!

And to end the night we had a skype call with some of the cutest kids we know (and the rest of the fam too)!

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