Saturday 2 May 2015

February Recap

How long we’ve been here: 481 days or 1 year, 3 months and 24 days (as of Feb 28)

Coolest thing this month:
We head home NEXT MONTH!

Favourite place you’ve visited/ Favourite thing you’ve done:
Our friends here in Taiwan are amazing. Rather than a formal get-together at a restaurant or something, they organized an amazing day trip to Chiyi. Similar to Kenting 10/10 weekend, most rode their scooters while Amanda and I hopped in the car with her nephew and mom.

Thing you’re looking forward to most:
Going home, of course!

Thing you’re least looking forward to:
The cold. Brrrrrrr

Hardest thing (you think will be) to get used to:
I’m guessing either cold or food.

Thing you’ll miss the most:
Either the amazing friends we’ve made here, or the food!! Or maybe the adventures!

I love Dave's cooking!

Chinese New Year. Last year we spent it with Matt, this year with Ari!
(Click here and here to see the incredible few photos we took of Chinese New Year last year!)


Mr. Surfs up himself waiting for the big one. 

Just trying to soak the last little bit of ocean water up.

Our German friends Dierk and Nadia and their beautiful (Narnian) kids. 
(He's a CS Lewis fan!!)

Night market ice cream- I'd never been to Anping after dark before!

Corin INSISTED on playing with the fish!

Remember that final outing I was talking about? Check out the view on the way there!!

In the semi-distance we could see the lookout while we had our picnic lunch.

I have NO idea. This bird was just chillin', being carried around like this.

Our group just keeps getting bigger!

I am in love with this country's landscapes!!

Pava pigs!!
(Click here for the video!!)

Our dear, lovely friend Amanda took us to the spa on the last day of Chinese New Year. Can you say mud bath?!

Prob my fav picture of us.

Little fishies to nibble off your dead skin- they LOVED Dave!

Our Taiwanese family.

Then Amanda's mom treated us to a traditional Taiwanese meal- and we got to order all our favs!!

Behind us is a 'natural fire.' 

Here's what the plaque said:

Fire and Water Spring is located on the southwest of Zhentou (Pillow) Mountain in Baihe Town, and is said to have been first discovered by a monk from Fujian in 1701. The Liuchong River Fault passes here, allowing underground natural gas to ascend through cracks in the rock, emerge from the surface along with the spring water, and feed an eternal flame that dances in the water. Along with the hot springs, this is one of the main tourist spots at Guanziling.


See that dragon a couple pictures above? Here's his story.

The Ledend of Water and Fire Cave 
The Story of the Kirin

Once upon a time there was a male Kirin, whose head was the Water and Fire Cave. The Hongye Tunnel (also known as the Red-Leaf Tunnel) is where his tail was laid, reaching to the east. The location where the Kirin stood is also known as the Guanzihling Hot Springs nowadays, and the hot spring water was his urine. The Kirin was actively social, and enjoyed entertaining people by torching the fire!

PS. THAT would be Dave's choice on the scooter. I wore a, ahem, more Taiwanese style mask.

Saying goodbye to some of his coworkers.

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