Thursday 5 November 2015

On anniversaries, of sorts.

Today is an anniversary of sorts. 

Two years ago Dave and I landed in Taiwan. TWO YEARS. And it's been eight months since we've been home. I could say so many things about our life in Taiwan, but I think I'll leave it to the posts we've already made. (You can visit them all here.)

However, I will leave you with this. A collection of photos and videos we made as a short presentation to show during Taiwanese Night at the restaurant (yes, Dave got to cook our fav TW foods!!)

There's no music, so I recommend listening to one of these songs while the video plays. (I've posted the links below!)


(Send me a Song- Celtic Woman. My (Steph's) favourite when we first landed. It seemed to help)

(Avicii- Wake Me Up. Seemed to fit so well about half way through our time in TW.) 

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