Thursday 3 December 2015

On the time leading up to Christmas, our first back home.

Today is a special sort of day.

It's cool and kind of windy, it rained yesterday and there are exactly zero snowflakes on the ground. It is December 3rd. And the first time in three years I've been able to open our Christmas box and start digging out the goodies we've so lovingly been packing in there since the year we were married.

The Christmas before we left for Taiwan we didn't even bother to decorate. We had something like 5 different Christmas trees because we'd 'claim' the tree at each place we stayed (which ended up being a lot). We spent more time travelling and house hopping (honestly, we ended up sleeping in nearly half a dozen different beds and houses. It was ridiculous.) than I think we've ever done before and since.

Lovely snow. Handsome pup.

The fam-jam.

Our two Christmases in Taiwan were marked with lots of work, me catching a bad case of the flu (yes, both times!) and attempts to Skype with our families and friends at sometimes awkward times because of the 13- hour time difference. And no snow (although I did make about a zillion paper snowflakes!)

Told you. The flu. Ugh.

Our sweet little handmade Christmas tree. 

But I miss Taiwan.

I miss the food, my attempts to 'Christmafy' our apt, the bubble tea shop down the street, the rapping wisemen at our church's Christmas production, doing Christmas crafts with my students, and Dave taking me to see the Christmas lights (a fav tradition of ours) on the scooter. I miss our friends, and the fact that we all tried to make Christmas a little more homey for each other since we were all so far from home.

Amanda and I after church.

At Bus-7. (Although, technically this was Thanksgiving, it still felt Christmasy!)


Sweet potato from the market.

The scooter!

Peanut brittle ice cream wrap.

Family-style food.

I'm excited for this Christmas, even though Dave and/ or I have had something nearly every night for the last three weeks, I'm just getting up our decorations today, and our apt is a total mess as I rearrange the spare room into baby's room. But, for the most part, it finally feels kinda like home. I mean, obviously this is my home. But I mean we're finally starting to be part of the community, with a volunteer activity each (Dave's in training to become a volunteer fireman, and I work with our local Girl Guides group), and another 'fun' one just for ourselves (Dave chose curling, I joined the choir). Plus, this baby has officially made itself known. He or she is crazy-active, and I am absolutely showing. Like, that's-def-a-pregnant-belly,-not-just-a-lot-of-weight-gained-in-one-spot. And we have somewhat of a routine. Dave started his new job (he's working for the town doing maintenance and snow removal) at the beginning of Nov and it's been a nice change. He often comes home for lunch, and we actually get to eat most dinners together, at a decent time. It's been nice to have a sense of normalcy after the absolute chaos that was our summer.

Oh deer. Our town 'pets.' (or is it pests?)

30 weeks!

We know next year will be totally different, and we are SO excited for this little one's first Christmas. But for now it's really nice to kinda sit back a bit, and not have to try so hard to do some of our fav traditions, and be in the same room as our loved ones. God's granted us a lot of peace and growth this year (and I don't just mean my tummy!). I have no idea what the next few weeks will hold for us, much less the next few years.

But I know He was there with us in Taiwan, and will continue to be.

Dave told me we need to make sure we don't live in the past. And he's totally right. We often focus on certain times in our lives as being the 'best' or our 'favourites.' Taiwan was one of them. Christmases are another. But oh, the things ahead!!

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