Friday 8 January 2016

July Recap

A quick summary.

-Dave and I worked a lot.
-Dad made roast beef for the town. Oh gosh was it ever good.
-Rach and I watched the fireworks while getting eaten alive by mosquitoes
-Dave's family came down to the Island to visit and check out Natasha's mom's new church
-Mel and her family stayed one night, Dave's older brother Ben, his wife Amanda and their three boys stayed another.
-we announced we were having a baby!

Mmm... roast beef!!

The kids had SO much fun!

I, however, as well as the rest of the adults, were NOT going in!

So proud of his towers!

(Note: the next few photos of my nephew on the farm I didn't take! I had to go to work instead of getting to play :( 

Umm, hello there!

Mmm... picking raspberries!

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