Friday 8 January 2016

June recap

A quick summary.

-we found out we were expecting our first baby!!
-we celebrated our SIXTH anniversary- Lake Huron Fish 'n' chips, followed by ice cream and a walk on the boardwalk!
-Mom, Rach and I went down south to visit mom's parents and my brother Kevin
-we got to start taking belly shots!

Anniversary date!! Lake Huron Fish 'n' Chips, followed by ice cream and a walk along the boardwalk!

On our way down south, we stopped at this amazing little bookstore/ cafe that Mom kept telling us about. I probably could have just about lived there.

Saying goodbye to Grandma and Grandpa's house.

And all the funny little statues in the garden!

I found a bubble tea!!!!!

Telling Grandma she's about to get another great-grandchild!

This is for corn. Mom tells me every time we go past it. I don't mind, it's part of the tour!

Ferry ride!

We're weird. We don't care.

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